Tournament Format:


Coin Flip: In Pool Play home team is determined by a coin flip. Better Seed will determine home/away during bracket play. Base umpire will announce start time on the first pitch of each game. Start time will be recorded by base umpire and relayed to Bullpen Tournaments staff. Any time discrepancies should be addressed before the end of the 1st inning.

Teams need to be prepared to play 30 minutes before their scheduled game time. 

Roster Submission Required: Rosters must be submitted before the first pitch of the teams’ first game. Due to requirements from the health department, rosters must be submitted by all teams attending Bullpen Tournaments.  (You may add players during the event, but they must be added to the online roster prior to entering the player’s first game). Players cannot compete for multiple teams in the same age group on the same weekend. Players can compete in multiple age groups on a given weekend (Players must be age and/or grade eligible to do this.)

  • Age Restrictions: Your age is determined by the May 1st date of that year OR your high school graduation year.
    • If the team is found with an illegal player due to incorrect report of that players age, grade, or DOB — OR has not been approved on their active online roster, that team will be KICKED OUT of the tournament and will forfeit all games with a score, 7-0.
    • A Player is Only Eligible to play for 1 Team per AGE group per weekend.
      • Example: A 10u eligible player can play for both a 10u team and an 11u team on a given weekend (As long as they are rostered on both teams).
        • They CANNOT play for a 10u D1 team and a 10u D2 team.
      •  If the player is found legal, the coach protesting will lose their $100.00.
  • SEEDING / TIE BREAKERS – Teams are seeded based on all completed games. Pool Winners will always be the better seed than a non pool winner.  From there all wild card teams will be determined based on the rules below:   (After Pool winners, pool seed will have no affect on who advances, i.e a 2-0 team who finishes 2nd in there pool will be seeded behind a 1-1 team who wins there pool.)
  1. Win Percentage (ties count as 1/2 win & 1/2 loss)
  2. Head to Head (does not apply with 3 or more teams tied)
  3. Runs Allowed
  4. Runs Scored
  5. Runs Allowed in Losses
  6. Runs Scored in Losses
  7. Coin Flip

Game Play:

  • Coaches: We strongly encourage that only 3 coaches be in the dugout.  We Reserve the right to limit the number of coaches in the dugout, if deemed necessary.

Bats:  (See Banned Bats)

  • 8u to 12u, there will be bat restrictions to BPF 1.15
  • 13u = BPF 1.15 or BBCOR.  Max Difference of Drop 8
  • 14u D1 = BBCOR
  • 14u D2, D3, & Open = BPF 1.15 or BBCOR Max Difference of Drop 5
    1. Illegal Bat Penalty
      1. A batter using an illegal bat is deemed illegal as soon as he steps into the box. If a player uses an illegal bat, the player will be ruled out and runners will not be allowed to advance. Runners that have advanced during that at-bat before the illegal bat was identified, and not as a result of a batted ball, shall be entitled to the base(s) they achieved.
      2. The umpire must be notified prior to the first pitch of the next batter or before all defensive players leave fair territory.
      3. If a team has three illegal bat rules infractions the Head Coach will be ejected for the rest of the tournament.

Mercy Rules:

  • A. 15 runs after 3 innings
  • B. 10 Runs after 4 innings
  • C. 8 Runs after 5 innings

In bracket play:

  • Run rules will remain in effect throughout bracket play including championship games. (15 after 3, 10 after 4, 8 after 5)
  • California rules will be played for all extra innings (excluding championship games)
    • (Last Batted Out) on 2nd base. 1 Out. Each batter will start with a 1-1 count.
  • All 8u-14u Championship Games will have a 2 hour 30 minute time limit. 
  • Better seed is required to be the home team!
  • Intentional Walks: Head Coach needs to inform the umpire of the intentional walk, no pitches will be thrown, and the hitter will be awarded first base.
  • Courtesy Runner: Courtesy runner is optional for pitcher or catcher at anytime. The courtesy runner must be a legal sub or the last batted out if you are batting a continuous lineup. If there are no legal subs left in an non-continuous lineup the courtesy runner shall be the last batted out (If the last batted out is the pitcher or catcher of record, the courtesy runner shall be the prior batted out).  If no out has been recorded in the game, there will not be a courtesy runner allowed. In the instance of an incorrect courtesy runner, there will be no penalty and the correct courtesy runner will replace the current runner on base. The courtesy runner will never be mandatory.
  • Slashing: Is legal.
  • Head first sliding into any base is legal.
  • Balks: All balks are LIVE.
  • 3rd to 1st move is ILLEGAL. A balk shall be called when a pitcher, while in contact with rubber, fakes, but does not complete a throw to first or third base.
  • Number of Players: A game can start with either 8 or 9. However if a team drops to seven or less the game will be automatic forfeit. If a team starts a game with 8 players, the 9th spot in the order will be an automatic out.
  • Batting Lineups: You will have three options.
    1. Hit 9 with a DH or no DH. We will honor the High School DH Rule. (14 and under).
    2. Hit 10 with one EH and with or without a DH. EH can be used as a free defensive substitution.
    3. Hit 11 with a DH or no DH and two EH’s. EH’s can be used as a free defensive substitution.
    4. Hit a continuous lineup with free substitution. See ejections and injuries rules to see what happens when losing a player.

    In the situations 1 and 2 you will have to follow high school substitution rules.

  • Skunk in the Outfield Play (Where runner on First Creates his own base path by backing up into the outfield will not be allowed.  Runner at first must take a lead with a direct line toward 2nd base.
    • First Offense, Umpire will call time and issue an official team warning putting all players back to their starting base.
    • Second Offense, Runner will be declared out and any pitch or action by other runners will be nullified.
  • USA PITCH SMART GUIDELINES: Bullpen will not police these, they are simply guidelines to take care of your pitchers arms.
    AgeDaily Max0 Days1 Day2 Days3 Days4 Days
  • 9U D1: will allow leadoffs, steals, and dropped 3rd strikes all year long.
  • 9u D2 (March – April): will NOT have leadoffs, steals or dropped 3rd strikes (runners may advance only on a pass ball). Fall events will follow March – April rules.
  • 9u D2 (May – August): Will play 9u D1 rules.
  • 9u D3: will NOT have leadoffs, steals or dropped 3rd strikes all year.
  • 8U:
    • Max of 6 runs an inning until the Final Inning. No limit in the final inning.
    • 5 pitches to each batter.
    • No infield fly.
    • Umpires call time when a play has concluded (runners no longer advancing).
  • Ejections:
    1. If a coach is ejected,
      1. He/She will be suspended for the rest of that game and the teams next played game if determined by the tournament committee. If a coach is ejected from a game, he is ejected from the park and must exit to the parking lot. If coach chooses to remain in park his team will be rewarded a forfeit loss determined by tournament committee.
    2. If a player is ejected,
      1. The player shall be suspended for the remainder of the game.  If team is hitting a continuous lineup, the player will remain in batting order and his/her team will be forced to take an out. If it is deemed to be malicious contact, or if the player performed in act with intent to injure, the penalty will be determined by the tournament committee.

    Injuries: If a team is hitting a continuous lineup and a player gets injured and can not continue to play, his spot in the batting order will be skipped with no penalty. Once a player’s spot in the batting order is skipped, the player is out for the remainder of the game and can not come back into play.

  • Forfeit Ruling: 13u and up: if a team forfeits a game, it will be scored 7-0. (12 and under 6-0)
    1. Tournament Director has the ability to amend forfeit scoring
    2. Forfeits cannot better the seed for the forfeiting team
  • Complete Games and Extra Innings:
    1. If rain or weather suspends a game. 4 (3 1/2 innings if home team is winning) innings could be considered a complete game in a 6 inning game. Or 5 (4 1/2 innings if home team is winning) innings in a 7 inning game
    2. There will be NO extra innings in pool play games, even if time allows.
      1. SUPER SELECT POD PLAY RULE: If the game remains tied after time has expired or the final inning of regulation; Teams will play the extra inning starting a runner (Last Batted Out) on 2nd base. 1 Out.  Each batter will start with a 1-1 count.
    3. California rules will be played for all extra innings (excluding championship games)
      1. (Last Batted Out) on 2nd base. 1 Out. Each batter will start with a 1-1 count.